05 Jan Six Simple Steps to Better Health
2020 is here! The new year is an exciting time when we make ambitious plans for our next twelve months and dream of the possibilities. The most popular resolution? Improving health. Holiday festivities often leave us feeling off track with our overall health and wellness goals. Healthy resolutions don’t have to be complicated – or they may end before February even arrives. The key to looking and feeling your best is to keep it simple and focus on clean eating.
What is ‘clean eating’?
It’s actually quite simple: clean eating is consuming healthy, whole foods and cutting out the processed foods. If you are ready to jump-start your clean eating now, or you want to know what it takes to get started, read on for simple steps to success.
Simple steps to Clean Eating
- Identify your inner motivation
Whether you’re determined to run the Boston Marathon next year, or you have seen others suffering as a result of their eating habits. Whatever your motivation to improve your health, write it down and bring it into your direct focus. This will help you achieve success.
- Reevaluate what you’re currently eating
Before you begin your clean eating journey, identify what you are currently eating. Keep a journal for several days to see what you’re eating and notice patterns. After a stressful week at the office or with the kids, you might notice you’re ordering pizza and eating a chocolate bar. Be honest – no one is judging you. Once you identify your patterns, you can determine a new strategy rather than fall into the same pitfall time and time again.
- Set realistic, measurable and specific goals
What is realistic for you? Don’t try and change everything at once. You didn’t get where you are overnight, so you aren’t going to change everything overnight either. My motto is ‘baby steps’! If you want to be successful in the long-term, tackle one or two new things every 1-2 weeks, so you have a better chance of sticking to it. Don’t say you will never eat dessert again. Instead, set a goal of only eating 1-2 small desserts each week, and go from there to decrease it further. Or, change up your desserts. Why not have berries for dessert instead of cookies. Just make sure your goal is realistic, measurable and very specific.
- Clean out your pantry
Sadly, most American pantries are filled with processed foods. A good rule of thumb is to cut out anything that contains more than five ingredients on the label, and if you can’t pronounce it (except quinoa) or don’t know what it is, it probably should go. If you have a lot of unopened items, donate them to a food pantry. (Although, I have reservations about sending unhealthy food to the needy.) If you need help with this process, I can help – and there will be NO JUDGEMENT – only support, guidance and encouragement. Click here for more information.
- Refocus your grocery shopping strategy
We’re creatures of habit. We add the same items into our cart every week. Shake things up and head straight for the produce section. The middle aisles contain most of the processed foods, so it’s best to avoid those temptations. If you want help understanding healthier options, join one of my grocery store tours.
- Cook once, eat twice
One of the easiest ways to dive into clean eating is to prepare your own meals. During winter months, the slow cooker is my best friend. I put all the ingredients in the cooker in the morning and I come home to a hot, delicious, clean and healthy meal. See below for 2 of my favorite crock pot recipes.
Small changes over time will create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. As a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I’m here to cheer you on every step of the way.
Here’s a simple slow cooker recipe for pot roast. It’s super easy and delicious. Here’s a recipe for slow cooker chili, which can be made with or without meat.
Stay on track with your resolutions and join the February Effortless 3-Day Reset!
It’s amazing what past participants have achieved. Check out the latest update from one of our regular participants to see what you can achieve through this short, guided program:
“I have done the Reset Program for the past three months and I’ve lost 16 pounds in total. My swelling and inflammation are down, my chronic symptoms have subsided and I’m eating and feeling much better. I can’t wait to join the next reset to keep moving forward. I highly recommend working 1:1 with Elizabeth and doing the Effortless 3-Day Reset!”
– Dina T, New Providence, NJ
It’s time to start listening to your body and learning how you can improve your health and well-being! Join us now for the Effortless 3-Day Reset Program starting February 3rd!
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