25 Aug Foods That Make You Happy
Most people would agree that certain foods make them happy – but did you know there’s science behind it? Some foods actually can boost your mood. Here are a few of my favorite mood-boosting foods…
- Dark chocolate. Yes, you now have a great excuse to eat dark chocolate! It’s been shown that eating dark chocolate each day lowers your levels of stress hormones and therefore makes you happier. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can eat endless amounts of chocolate, but a square or two won ’t hurt — in fact, it could actually help!
- Fruits and Veggies. All the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that come from vegetables and fruits release neurotransmitters that make you happy. Therefore, incorporating the rainbow of colorful vegetables and fruits increases both your antioxidants and your mood!
- Fatty fish. The omega 3’ s that come from fatty fish like salmon and tuna provides your body with the nutrients to reduce your stress, so you feel more relaxed and happy.
- Saffron. Saffron is a spice from India and research shows that a little bit of saffron each day makes serotonin more available to the brain. Research shows that saffron may be helpful in alleviating symptoms of PMS, depression, and anxiety.
Along with eating mood-boosting foods, another great way to boost your mood is through exercise. Physical activity gets your blood flowing and gives your muscles the oxygen boost they need. In addition, the blood flow moves to your brain as well and helps you feel more energized, alert and helps reduce inflammation in the brain, which is thought to be one of the causes of neurodegenerative diseases like Dementia and Alzheimer’s. And finally, exercise causes your body to release neurotransmitters like serotonin and endorphins, which are responsible for your post workout ‘high’!
If you are bored with your exercise routine, or your exercise has taken a back seat to your summer festivities, I am excited to announce a new opportunity. For the September 20th 3-Day Reset Program, I will be partnering with The R3finery in Summit to offer both the Reset Program and a One Month Unlimited Pass to their Pilates Reformer Classes. This package is valued at over $700 and offered to you, my valued follower, for $349. Support your overall health and wellness with both good nutrition and exercise in September through this special offer. Click here to send me an email if you want to be the first to register for this fantastic promotion!
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