28 Oct Top Tricks and Tips for Halloween
I’m sure you’ve read enough posts about Halloween, so I’ll keep it brief!
As most of you know, I have a love hate relationship with Halloween. I love the spooky, scary aspects and catching up with friends while the kids trick-or-treat. The massive amounts of candy the kids collect – I hate.
Here’s how I manage the holiday without driving my health coach self totally crazy:
On Halloween
- Prior to trick-or-treating:
- I load the kids up with protein, fat and as many vegetables as I can get them to eat. The goal is to fill them up, so
they have less room for sweets.
- The kids drink a kombucha, which is a fermented tea rich in probiotics. In studies with lab rats, it has been shown to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, which in turn reduces blood sugar levels (1). I would like to think the beneficial bacteria is eating up the excess sugar in their guts, but I haven’t been able to prove that yet. You can find kombucha in most supermarkets in the refrigerated case. My favorite is GTS Kombucha which they even carry at Costco. Just don’t shake it before opening or it may explode!
- I load the kids up with protein, fat and as many vegetables as I can get them to eat. The goal is to fill them up, so
- I try and persuade my kids to ‘be reasonable’ – whatever that means. However, what they eat that day/night is their decision. I try not to think about it once they leave the house…
Post Halloween
No one wants to be chowing down on sugary candy for weeks or months to come – so here are a few ideas of what to do with the candy.
- Switch Witch: The Switch Witch is an invited guest who comes Halloween night while
the kids are sleeping and switches your children’s Halloween candy with a video game or other welcomed present.
- Halloween Candy Buyback program, where many dentists give cash for candy, send it to Soldiers’ Angels who ship the candy, along with toothbrushes, to our troops abroad serving our country in holiday care packages. The price is usually $1 per pound up to 5 pounds.
- Save some to decorate Gingerbread houses for the holidays.
In our house, each child spends hours sorting, counting, weighing, trading, bargaining and negotiating with their friends and siblings to get the best stash. They each choose about 20 pieces of candy to keep. Then, I combine post Halloween tips 1 and 2 above. I buy it back from them and they can use the money to purchase something they want, even if it’s frivolous.
If you’re like me, I prefer to avoid temptation, so I donate the candy and get it out of the house within the next day or two. My motto is:
“Better for it to go to waste, then go to my waist.” Remember – more holidays are right around the corner with plenty of other temptations.
Local folks: No time to cook, yet still want healthy meals?
has the answer with delivery in Summit, NJ and local pick-up in New Providence and East Hanover!
Include Zing Meals in your Thanksgiving plans. We will be offering allergen friendly sides for Thanksgiving, including potatoes, stuffing, vegetables and sauces. More details to follow.
Have happy (and healthy) Halloween.
Andrea Walker
Posted at 18:41h, 28 OctoberThanks for these great ideas! I can’t believe I’ve never heard of them. It’s too late for me (my kids are 17 and 14) but you can be sure I will share with my organizing clients. You’d be surprise how much candy I find stashed in kids bedrooms (to mom’s surprise!) and the far reaches of kitchen cabinets. Now I can make practical suggestions that are super easy to execute. Thanks Elizabeth!!!
Donna Leyens
Posted at 19:53h, 28 OctoberAll great tips! We always did the same – kept some and gave the rest away. And after Halloween night, they were allowed to pick one piece per day to eat, so we avoided the candy binge as much as possible.